Tuesday, 15 March 2016

for my grandfather

may we both
stand together
silent on memory's shore
admiring the images
and precious things
that will not die
nor fade away

(For my grandfather - Albert Wileman)

Monday, 14 March 2016

a poem in progress

erase that
write it neatly
less hurried
that doesn't work
more emphasis on
no less
I need a ending
not that
too bleak
way too bleak
oh I like that
read it again
just to be sure
are you ready?
you sure?
now let it go

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

the rose eater

she prefers the reds
they are sweeter than the whites
and silkier than the yellow
sometimes you can see the pulp
washing around her mouth
a whirlpool of crimson
thorns stabbing upwards like shark fins
circling within her thin lips
waiting for the petals
to be shovelled to their deaths

the pianist

beneath Napoleon's hat
the sober pianist
slaughters our requests
Gershwin dies again and again
as his fingers stab the ivories to death
but it is "Summertime"
that finally steers even the barmen to drink

a swaying figure at the bar
lists gently as the boat drunkenly rolls
his foot taps between the missed beats
whilst his hands cling desperately to
his wrecked sobriety
he looks at the ice in his glass
as if it was a Gypsy's crystal ball
searching for the title to the tune
that eludes him
a tune he wants to request
a tune that will die without mercy

as for me
I sit quietly in the corner
praying for icebergs

(On a ferry to France watching a pianist, who was wearing Napoleon's hat, entertain a drunk)

Friday, 4 March 2016

I would fall

I would fall for a whisper
lightly dusted with hope

I would fall for a smile
that I knew was mine

I would fall for a sinner
wrapped within a promise

I would fall for a lie
held within a gentle heart

but I would fall for you
with just a single word
and I would change my course
towards oblivion

I would yield and kneel before you
like the pious and the faithless blind
for you are both the music
and the dance