Wednesday, 10 September 2014

within an apple

what is possible
he asked me
puzzled by the question
I deliberated on life itself
and the myriad of opportunities
that fall from our grasp
or remain just beyond our reach
so do I inspire him with lies
do I paint a land filled with hope
and will my words find a mark
or will lies sour blacker days
can anyone achieve more
can everyone succeed
he wants an answer to a question
that has limited man’s happiness since eden
a paradise on earth built by a god
who put our unhappiness in an apple
yet here rests his answer
it is not the look of the apple
the weight
the colour
the taste
but the seeds within the core
there is more and more life within
for nature begets life
from a seed a sapling
from a sapling a tree
from a tree an orchard
for even if life itself is contained
set in cement
or chained
it cannot retain a life
what’s possible
is a question that is easily answered
when we simply plant what is within

18th October 2010